Monday, September 11, 2006

Ready, Aim, Battle?

Check out the phenominal length of this guy's ear hair! Gross I know...but I love the look on his face.

Well, it was an interesting weekend. On Friday I skipped both of my classes...not good, yeah I know. But it was so worth it! I had an amazing conversation with one of my friends Mary. We had a lot of catching up to do. I ran some errands and had a low-key night. I had to wake up early on Saturday to attend a Black Achievers program for my Practicum for one of my education classes. I didn't end up doing too much and was a little dissapointed by that. Afterwards, my friend Morgan and I went shopping at the only mall in Lexington. The mall has improved since I've been here in Kentucky...but it's not all that and chocolate shake. Anyway...I saved a little over $50 at Lane Bryant...I was a happy camper! And I scored a cute new pair of shoes.

Sunday was church. The service had a deffinate battle theme to it. The interesting part being that I am currently reading the updated Aggressive Christianity by Catherine Booth/Cory Harrison. I think I've heard him speak before. Anyway, it's been a slow read b/c I'm supposed to be reading all these other books for class. I've liked the little that I've read so far. Catherine talks about the real battle out there with Satan. She says, "I believe that his strategy has awalys been, and continues to be, to DECEIVE GOD'S OWN PEOPLE. He is always giveing a counterfeit of God's real thing, and the more he can get his thing to look like God's thing the better." She goes on to talk about two ways Satan has succeeded in this:

1.) In regards to the standards of their own relationship with Jesus.

The "it's all about me" religion is quite prevalent.

2.) In regards to their responsibility to the world.

Catherine gave me something to toss around and think about this weekend.

I've also been reading My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. The devotions over the weekend have been very fitting too.

I'm not sure what this theme this weekend has to do with me specifically. I have a notion that my vocation is involved in this. Or maybe God is trying to get something completely different across to me. Time will tell!

Question of the day: What's something you've always wanted to try/do but never have?

Me: For me it's the fact that I've always wanted to go Sky Diving. One day I hope to get the chance to do it!


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