Friday, January 25, 2008

Catch Up Time

I've been a little lax in transferring my posts from xanga to here. It's probably because no one leaves comments on this blog and becasue I automatically have posts imported to facebook, where I spent way too much time. That being said I'll post a few posts in one.

December 15, 2007:
It's Official!

I am a college grad! My last day at school couple with my last day as a college student! I didn't have typical finals...only an exit portfolio and interview. Both of which I passed!
Next, I will be packing and moving stuff to my new home in Kentucky. I then will travel to my home home for Christmas and New Years. My mom will be helping me move my furniture things at home to KY. I'm excited about what lies ahead. My roommate is pretty much amazing!
I have realized upon reflecting on my time in college that I have grown tremendously in my faith and maturity. I have dealt with unforeseen trajedy. I have traveled to new places in our country as well as across the world. I have met unforgetable people in those places as well. I have met amazing students and staff at my placement school this semester. I have been given incredible gifts of people that have more than sacrificed their time for me. I have learned how to better interact and work with people. In short, I have had many adventures and experiences in these 4.5 years.

I have no idea what is coming in the next chapter of my life. I know that I want my family to be apart of it. Just because I am moving...does not mean that I am leaving my mother and brother behind in the dust. It is going to take a bit more work to maintain our relationship. I'm up for it...hopefully they are too. I also know that God has placed my roommate that I'll be moving in with after the holidays in my life for a purpose. I truely am looking forward to getting to know her better! Moving on from college also means maintaining my relationships with the friends that are still there. This will also take work...but I believe I can do it as well as the friends I have spoken to in regard to this potential issue.

With Christmas coming...I am anticipating celebrating the birth of Christ at home. It will be a tad bittersweet because this will be my last time home in PA for a will take a while to earn vacation time. I have many people I want to spend time with in my limited time home. Realistically, I am unsure I will be able to spend time with everyone I want to at home and not take too much time away from spending time with my mom and brother. However, I am sure I will be able to reasonably work things out.
Today, I am spending quality time with one of my closest friends at school...lunch, a matinee movie, dinner at school, and our classic, Applebee's for half-price appetizers. I'm looking forward to it!

January 5, 2008:

I moved in the evening of January 2, 2008. It's a new year and one of the first things I do is move which with all of the resolution making and opportunities for a fresh start a new year brings, moving then fit right into place. I started work on Friday and for my first day, it went well. I have a feeling that I am really going to enjoy my new place of employment! It's really going to give me experience as well as opportunities. I am not feeling completely competant in my current job but I do know that I have an ability to learn. I do somehow manage to learn things well...which is a gift as not everyone can learn new tasks easily.

One of the first things I've encountered "living on my own" is that it can be easy to get lonely. I mean I have a roommate and several friends in the area...however what makes the difference is that pretty much all of them are involved in relationships with someone of the opposite sex. So they have someone to spent time with and for several of them, their life revolves around the relationship. I can't blame them...they're totally ready for marriage. Which for's a topic I've thought about even discussed but it's not something I've had planned since I was a kid. Maybe it's because I've never had a real dating relationship and pretty much all guy friends are just that...friends. I don't know...I've always felt like I wasn't the typical girl. I hate pink...I can live without wearing make-up, I could care less about Soap Operas, I don't watch Oprah, and I'm not much of a flirt. I feel like that awkward middle school girl who is uncordinated in her dress and spends way too much time thinking about what she should say...that she misses out on the opporunity to even talk to that guy. Don't get me wrong...I'm not trying to beat myself up. I know that they're are amazing things about me. I am fun to be with, I adore drinking coffee, I enjoy movies, spending time with others, I love bright colors, and although I am a bit strange...I know without a shadow of a doubt that God has purpose for me. I just don't want to get so focused on something that I appear to be missing out on that I settle for less or even lower my standards to be with a guy. In the do I deal with being surrounded by people in relationships? Couples tend to hang out with other couples. And who wants the beyond awkward group of 3? We all know that those just do not work...someone always feels slighted. How do I take care of myself emotionally and socially with the current situation? Any suggestions are welcome!

Well, I think that's it for now. I am going to make something to eat for lunch. And then perhaps go back to watching my ER marathon that I started last night.

January 16, 2008:

I love my job :)As the title says...I love me job! I haven't been fully trained in my temporary position, but I am learning a lot. I currently am filling in for the Human Resources manager. I do not have all of the respsonsibilities that the person I'm covering for does but so far, it has been a worthwhile experience. I figured out pay roll in terms of figuring out sick time, vacation time, and personal days. Not to mention Holiday pay. I have attended several meetings but they were productive and again another learning experience. I keep thinking about how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to work at the Lex-town Salvation Army. My co-workers are kind and great to work with. A couple of them have been incredibly inclusive so I have someone to eat with at lunch. We even went to this place called the Movie Tavern. Basically, a waiter/waitress takes your order from a menu and you sit in these nice rolly chairs with a table in front of you. While you watch a movie...and they show new movies. It's the combo of a restaurant and a movie theater. In part, I feel that my concerns in my last post have been answered. So thank you for those of your who replied to that post and for your prayers :) In starting out on my own I have discovered a few things:

1. The walls are thin, I can almost always hear our neighbors.
2. Crockpots are wonderful. I made a really good soup using mine!
3. There is always traffic, living in a city...gotta love the morning commute and rush hour after work.
4. Pasta is a great cheap meal...and that includes using whole grain pasta.5. My roommate is fabulous :)
6. City driving wastes

Some things haven't changed:
1. I still start my mornings with coffee (the only caffeine I typically injest).
2. I don't share my bedroom with anyone.
3. I still decorate with bright colors.
4. And I'm still me even though I'm embarking on a new part of my life.I am looking forward to this weekend. My college roommie is coming to visit. Happy:)

And today's:

Learning to be Content

I don't have a favorite book of the Bible...picking a favorite anything is hard for me. It's almost easier for me to pick my least favorite. And it's loads easier deciding what I don't like and why. There are intriguing stories in the Old Testament. The names where I guess how to pronounce them, and there's an air of mystery in the later books of the OT...especially the writers who are considered to be prophets. The NT gospels reads much like a story and are very familiar from all those Sunday School classes. We get a history lesson in the early church. Paul writes a lot of letters that are filled with truth and encouragement. Plus there are some other letters written by believers. And the NT ends with the much debated book of Revelation. All in all, there isn't much to dislike or even get bored with reading the Bible. And although it is difficult for me to pick the NT I highly enjoy the book of Philippians. Perhaps because it is such a joy filled letter that Paul writes.

This morning someone who prays for me on a regular basis sent me an e-mail mentioning Philippians 4:11...I didn't happen to have a Bible handy but I looked it up on (a great reference). And as soon as I read the verse, it struck a chord with me. Paul is telling the Philippian people that he has learned to be content whatever the circumstance. I have not learned to be content whatever the circumstance...but I am learning. I feel like I have learned in the past in specific circumstances to be content...but an overall, whatever comes my way, I'm still working on.

For me, I set a high bar of expectation for myself. And sometimes I carry my expectations over to other aspects of my life. Which when the expectation is not met...leaves me feeling disappointed and even hurt. I guess what I'm trying to say in some complicated manner is that I'm learning that everything doesn't have to be perfect or all together to be content with life. I think I've convinced myself that everything has to be just so now that I'm finished with school and out on my own. Which is not what has happened. I do have a lot going for me though.

1. I have a roof over my head and a bed which allows for restful sleep.
2. The apartment is heated, which is a blessing in all this cold weather.
3. I have materials that enable me to cook and provide food for myself.
4. I have the added comfort of entertainment through cable TV and DVDs.
5.I have a job to go to that provides income, which allows the above to occur.
6. I have a mode of transportation that works well.
7. I have access to a public of my favorite places :)
8. I have friends.
9. I am prayed for and cared about.
10. Most importantly...I am loved by God...and it is He who has provided everything for me.

Looking at that list really makes me shudder at all the complaining and moping I've done lately. Yes, I have been a little lonely and feeling like others have not had time for me. But I'm truely blessed. And I've been faced with a harsh reality that I have not made time for the One who is my soul (or sole...I see it both ways) provider and loves me more than anyone on Earth could. The One that has gifted me and repeatedly blessed me...the One who has answered my many prayers.

It's time to get out of the rut of un-met expectations and un-realistic beliefs of perfection. I'm ready to progress from learning to least until the next circumstance comes around.


Blogger jsi said...

Catching up in no small way, you should add.
You've said quite alot!
It is a refreshing encouragement to find your posting again!
Facebook has a way of grasping your time so completely.
Have a great night and continue to share your posts - your voice is strong and filled with hope.

10:46 PM


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